Thursday, August 18, 2016

Top 5 yoga asanas to beat diabetes

Top 5 Yoga asanas for Diabetes. Yoga for diabetes 

Diabetes is a condition where a person has higher amounts of sugar in one’s blood leading to its passing through his/her urine. This is known to be caused due to a malfunctioning of the pancreas. Yoga, a practice widely known to help one stay healthy, can help with diabetes as well. Yoga practitioners say that treating diabetes with yoga involves two main factions. The first one being controlling one’s food while the other is the regular practice of yoga asanas. Here are a few details about the treatment of diabetes with yoga.


In his book, ‘Yogic cure for common diseases’, Dr Phulgenda Sinha says that a proper diet is absolutely essential for a person with diabetics. He says that they should avoid fried, fatty, spicy, starchy and sugar-containing foods while they are practicing the yoga asanas. Eating on time and the right kinds of food is essential to the successful cure eating right.

Yoga asanas:

Since diabetes is a condition that is caused due to the malfunctioning of the pancreas, yoga asanas to help diabetics are aimed at helping the organ function optimally. The asanas also aim at increasing blood circulation (considering the fact that diabetes is a vascular diseases) and improve the functioning of the entire endocrine system.

Surya namaskar:

Made popular by none-other-than Kareena Kapoor, this set of 12 yoga asanas has a number of benefits for the body. It not only gently activates the entire endocrine system but it also helps the pancreas work properly. Surya Namaskar also helps strengthen the spine, hips, lungs and chest while increasing circulation of blood throughout the body. It invigorates the facial tissues, and stimulates the nervous system to work properly.

Ardhavakra asana:

This asana is aimed at making the organs of the abdomen and stomach function properly. It activates the adrenal glands, ovaries, pancreas and testicles. Ardhavakrasana also helps relieve constipation, backaches, stiffness around the neck and other spinal disorders.

Matsyendra asana:

Also known as the fish pose, this asana is great for your pancreas, thyroid gland, andrenal glands and testicles. The fish pose also tones the muscles of the abdomen and relieves disorders of the kidneys, intestines, bladder and pelvic region. A great asana for people with diabetes this asana does take a little practice but gets better with practice. Read more on how to do this asana.

Suptavajra asana:

This asana is an extension of vajrasana or the diamond pose. The sputa vajrasana as the name suggests is when you lie down while doing vajrasana. A little complex to do, this pose is great for diabetics. Suptavajrasana helps stimulate the cells of the pancreas and increases blood supply to the organ. This asana also helps resolve illnesses of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and spleen. It also relieves constipation and gas within the stomach. Read more about how to do this asana.

Dhanur asana

Also known as the bow pose, this asana is well known for its ability to increase sexual virility, stimulates the functioning of abdominal organs and strengthens the spine, hips and buttocks.

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